End Point

The CommerceInterface API end-point URL is https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/.


All API calls require authentication. Authentication credentials are Supplier ID and Token. Suppliers can generate access token by clicking here. Parameters for Supplier ID and Token are supplier_id and token respectively. All api calls must send both the parameters.

GET   /get_orders

To get a list of orders in Supplier's account.

  • By default you will only get the orders that have not already been exported.
  • Response will be paginated with a maximum of 250 orders per page.
  • Orders are sorted by order id.

Required Parameters
Parameter Description
supplier_id CommerceInterface supplier id.
token Authentication token. Suppliers can generate access token by clicking here.
curl -XGET "https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/get_orders?supplier_id=1&token=xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT"
    "meta": {
        "no_of_pages": 1,
        "current_page": 1,
        "max_items_per_page": 250,
        "no_of_items": 1
    "data": [{
        "orderid": "FFB7A681BE",
        "customer": {
            "city": "BRADFORD",
            "state": null,
            "name": "SOME BODY HERE",
            "zip": "SOME ZIP",
            "country": null,
            "address1": "901",
            "address2": "GREENFIELDS LANE",
            "phone": "01234 982103"
        "line_items": [{
            "sku": "03658246",
            "name": "SOME PACK OF 6",
            "weight": 0.0,
            "bom_sku": null,
            "unit_price": 10.99,
            "ci_lineitemid": 54553918,
            "quantity": 1
        "shipping": {
            "carrier": null,
            "method": "BEST"
        "date": "05/16/2013 08:10AM UTC",
        "amount": {
            "total": 10.99,
            "shipping": 0
        "supplier": "SUPPLIER NAME"
    "success": true
import requests #requires "requests" package
response = requests.get('https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/get_orders', 
                       data={'supplier_id':'1', 'token':'xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT'}).json()
if response['success'] == True:
   #Your business logic here
   print response
   $response = file_get_contents ( 'https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/get_orders?supplier_id=1&token=xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT' );
   if( $response ) {
      $response_json = json_decode ( $response );
      if( $response_json->success == true ) {
        //Your business logic here
      } else {
Optional Parameters
Parameters Description
start_datetime Use this parameter if you want to pull orders between a time range. It should be used in combination with end_datetime parameter. Both the parmaeters should be in 24 hours range. Timestamp should be in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM format (UTC). All order data is returned irrespective they are marked as exported or not.
end_datetime Same as start_datetime except that it is used to determine the end of time range.
page The responses has 250 items per page. To get data from next page use this parameter.

POST   /mark_exported

This endpoint is to acknowledge that lineitem(s) has been exported.

Required Parameters
Parameter Description
supplier_id CommerceInterface supplier id.
token Authentication token. Suppliers can generate access token by clicking here.
ci_lineitem_ids A list of ci_lineitemid in json format. It supports upto 1000 ci_lineitemid at a time.
curl -XPOST "https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/mark_exported" \
  -d"supplier_id=1" \
  -d"token=xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT" \
  -d"ci_lineitem_ids=[54553919, 54553920]"
    "success": true
import requests #requires "requests" package
import json
response = requests.post('https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/mark_exported', 
                       data={'supplier_id':'1', 'token':'xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT', 
                             'ci_lineitem_ids':json.dumps([54553919, 54553920])}).json()
if response['success'] == True:
   #Successfully marked as exported (only items which are not already marked exported)
   // requires PHP cURL http://no.php.net/curl
   $datatopost = array (
      "supplier_id" => "1",
      "token" => "xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT",
      "ci_lineitem_ids" => json_encode ( array (54553919, 54553920) ),
   $ch = curl_init ("https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/mark_exported");
   curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
   curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $datatopost);
   curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
   $response = curl_exec ($ch);
   if( $response ) {
      $response_json = json_decode( $response );
      if( $response_json->success == true ) {
        //Successfully marked as exported (only items which are not already marked exported
      } else {

POST   /tracking_notification

To send tracking information about a lineitem.

Required Parameters
Parameter Description
supplier_id CommerceInterface supplier id.
token Authentication token. Suppliers can generate access token by clicking here.
tracking_info A list of json objects having ci_lineitem_id, carrier & tracking. Additionally it also supports quantity which you can use if you ship items less than the ordered quantity. It supports upto 1000 lineitems at a time. In case a lineitem is already closed or cancelled it will be skipped. In case of any other error no data will be saved.
curl -XPOST "https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/tracking_notification" \
  -d"supplier_id=1" \
  -d"token=xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT" \
  -d'tracking_info=[{"carrier": "UPS", "ci_lineitem_id": 54553918, "tracking": "123456"}, {"quantity": 1, "carrier": "UPS", "ci_lineitem_id": 54553919, "tracking": "234567"}]'
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "non_open_ids": []
import requests #requires "requests" package
import json

req_data = {'supplier_id':'1', 
              {"carrier": "UPS", "ci_lineitem_id": 54553918, "tracking": "123456"}, 
              {"quantity": 1, "carrier": "UPS", "ci_lineitem_id": 54553919, "tracking": "234567"}])}

response = requests.post('https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/tracking_notification', 
if response['success'] == True:
   #Successfully saved tracking info of items other than those in data["non_open_ids"] list
   // requires PHP cURL http://no.php.net/curl
   $datatopost = array (
      "supplier_id" => "1",
      "token" => "xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT",
      "tracking_info" => json_encode ( array ( "carrier" => "UPS", "ci_lineitem_id" => 54553918, "tracking" => "123456"), array ( "quantity" => 1, "carrier" => "UPS", "ci_lineitem_id" => 54553919, "tracking" => "234567") ),
   $ch = curl_init ("https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/tracking_notification");
   curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
   curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $datatopost);
   curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
   $response = curl_exec ($ch);
   if( $response ) {
      $response_json = json_decode( $response );
      if( $response_json->success == true ) {
        //Successfully saved tracking info of items other than those in data["non_open_ids"] array
      } else {

GET   /purchase_orders

To get a list of purchaseorders in Supplier's account within given date range.

  • By default you will only get the purchase orders that have not already been acknowledged by supplier.
  • Parameters start_date and end_date fetches the purchase orders between this time range.
  • Purchase Orders are sorted by order id.
  • Response will be paginated with a maximum of 25 purchase orders per page.
  • Purchase orders are sorted by order id.

Required Parameters
Parameter Description
supplier_id CommerceInterface supplier id.
token Authentication token. Suppliers can generate access token by clicking here.
curl -XGET "https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/purchase_orders?supplier_id=1&token=xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT"

    "po_details": [
            "supplier":"3pl excel"
            "po_number": "POUSGG00000xxxF5",
            "po_created_on": "SOME DATE",
            "permalink": "SOME PERMALINK",
            "fulfillment_provider": "SOME FULFILLMENT PROVIDER",

                    "upc": "UPC1",
                    "received_quantity": 100,
                    "total_quantity": 300,
                    "expected_quantity": 200,
                    "total_weight": 0.0 ,
    "success": true
import requests #requires "requests" package
response = requests.get('https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/purchase_orders',
                       data={'supplier_id':'1', 'token':'xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT','start_date':'1377734400','end_date':'1379289600'}).json()
if response['success'] == True:
   #Your business logic here
   print response
   $response = file_get_contents ( 'https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/purchase_orders?supplier_id=1&token=xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT&start_date=1377734400&end_date=1379289600' );
   if( $response ) {
      $response_json = json_decode ( $response );
      if( $response_json->success == true ) {
        //Your business logic here
      } else {
Optional Parameters
Parameters Description
start_datetime Use this parameter if you want to pull purchase orders between a time range. It should be used in combination with end_datetime parameter. Timestamp should be in epoch format.Epoch time can be found here. Select "GMT" in timezone dropdown .
end_datetime Same as start_datetime except that it is used to determine the end of time range.
page The responses has 25 items per page. To get data from next page use this parameter.

POST   /purchase_orders/acknowledgement

This endpoint is to acknowledge that purchaseorder has been exported.

Required Parameters
Parameter Description
supplier_id CommerceInterface supplier id.
token Authentication token. Suppliers can generate access token by clicking here.
po_number Valid purchaseorder number should be provided .
curl -XPOST "https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/purchase_orders/acknowledgement" \
  -d"supplier_id=1" \
  -d"token=xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT" \
    "success": true,

import requests #requires "requests" package
import json
response = requests.post('https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/purchase_orders/acknowledgement',
                       data={'supplier_id':'1', 'token':'xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT',
if response['success'] == True:
   #Successfully marked as acknowledged (only items which are not already marked acknowledged)
   // requires PHP cURL http://no.php.net/curl
   $datatopost = array (
      "supplier_id" => "1",
      "token" => "xYRPKcoakMoiRzWgKLV5TqPSdNAaZQT",
      "po_number" => "POUSGG00XXX123",
   $ch = curl_init ("https://scm.commerceinterface.com/api/v2/purchase_orders/acknowledgement");
   curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
   curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $datatopost);
   curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
   $response = curl_exec ($ch);
   if( $response ) {
      $response_json = json_decode( $response );
      if( $response_json->success == true ) {
        //Successfully marked as acknowledged (only items which are not already marked acknowledged
      } else {
